If a merchant uses the WooCommerce plugin the setup of EFT secure is slightly different.

Once EFT Secure is setup in the usual way, you'll have to setup an API-user at the merchant level. You can do this as follows:

  1. Go to the merchant level in eft.ppay.io

  2. Click on the user that is setup as administrator

  3. Click on ' Log in as'

  4. Click on Users > API users

  5. Click on '+NEW API USER'

  6. Setup a new user here (you can not use the earlier used username and e-mail address)

  7. Send these API user credentials to the merchant to add to plugin. Logging in in the eft.ppay.io happens with the admistrator credentials (and not the API user credentials)


Use the 2 arrows on the top of the screen to go back to login as yourself.


Screenshot after step 3