The Price Plan of the ISO merchant account is agreed between the Sales team and the merchant.
The Price plan and rates is then manually added by Sales in the Pipefy card in the early stages/phases of onboarding the ISO merchant account.
Once the Price plan is added to the Console by the Onboarder/Operations Specialist the pricing will be generated in the Console to activate and enable Billing for the next Billing period of that particular ISO merchant account.

The Deal will be created in Hubspot and Sales will push the card through to Pipefy with the Pricing included.

The Risk team will then approve the merchant account to be processed for Onboarding to add the merchant accounts in the Live Console.

Once Risk Approves the application, The Onboarder will add the pricing in the "Sync to Console check" phase to support the Onboarding process.

Adding the Pricing from the Sales notes to the Console

Pricing may vary for each ISO merchant account and for each Acquiring Facility therefore it is critical that we add the pricing Sales has provided in the Pipefy card in order for Billing to be activated once the merchant is processing Live transactions.

1. For ISO merchant accounts, merchants are billed for general fees such as;

- Setup fee
- Monthly fee
- Monthly Tokenization Fee

The rate of the Monthly fee and Setup fee may vary depending on what Sales has agreed to when creating the deal with the merchant.

These fees will be categorized by Sales as "Standard" or "Special" Pricing in the Pipefy card.

Tokenization is a standard fee of 200.00 ZAR for all merchants who have Card Storage applied to their merchant account.

Merchants who do not have Card Storage (tokenization) as an option will not be charged the Monthly tokenization fee.

The ISO Price Plan will be added by activating the ISO Price Plan in the Billing tab

Standard and Special pricing variants

The images above show the differences between ISO accounts, the pricing will vary depending on the Sales agreement with the merchant.

Adding these Monthly fees in the Console:

Once the monthly fees are added you may save the data or continue to add the Transactional Fees.

2. Adding the Transactional Fees for the ISO merchant account

2.1. Standard Fees such as;

- DB (Debit Balance)
- PA (Prior authorization)
-CP (Card Present)

Once the ISO Price plan is selected the charge should automatically be at the rate of 1.50 ZAR with the toggle set to standard to activate this pricing.

The merchant is Billed a standard card processing fee of 1.50 ZAR for Successful (ACK - acknowledge) and Unsuccessful (NOK - not acknowledged) attempts during card processing.

The 1.50 ZAR fee for these types will apply to all ISO merchant accounts upon setup. The fee here can be negotiated via Tiered Pricing based on the merchants transactions volumes during the Sales agreement.

The toggle should be set to "standard" and in orange for all ACK and NOK in order for Tiered pricing to be enabled.

2.1 Special Transaction Fee

The Special Transaction fee is applied to specific transactions or card processing types such as;

- RG (Registration of token/card)
- RF (Refunds)
- RV (Reversals)
- DR (Deregistration of token/card)

The standard rate for Special transactions is usually 3.00 ZAR for both Successful (ACK) and Unsuccessful (NOK) processing of these transaction types.

The Special transaction price may vary depending on the Sales agreement and Sales notes in the card,

For eg. We may see the rate differ from 3.00 ZAR to 2.00 ZAR and even lower for some merchants.

When adding this pricing in the Console from the Pipefy card, the toggle "standard" should be inactive and unset for both ACK and NOK card processes.

Reminder: the same will apply to NOK processing unless a lesser rate has been confirmed in the Sales notes / card comments.

3. Remove CF Fees from Price Plan

It is important that we remove the CF (Confirmation of Registration [RG] of token) fee from the Price Plan.

This should be applied to ACK and NOK processing with the toggle "standard" unset and inactive.

We do not charge or Bill for this fee, currently it is added automatically when the Price plan is set in the Console and for now will have to manually removed when adding/changing the price plan.

4. FOR ISO Merchants who have a Shopify integration, add the Platform fee of 2%

A Platform fee should be added for all ISO merchants only who is using Shopify as an integration.

Some extra info to support this:

Shopify takes an extra 2% transaction fee for purchases not made through Shopify Payments (BigCommerce doesn’t take any extra fees), but BigCommerce doesn’t include abandoned cart recovery on its cheapest plan (which Shopify does).

5. Adding new additional payment method fees to the merchant account.

The article created with the new payment methods fees is added below. Please follow the guide for best practices 

Always ensure that the pricing for each payment method that has been selected from the Sales notes is added to the Price plan and the toggle "standard" is active and orange

When we add Instant EFT by Peach (Stitch) as an extra product:

The same will apply to all new additional payment methods added to the merchants account with the toggle set to "standard/active"

5. Tiered Pricing

Sales is able to negotiate Tiered Pricing with merchants depending on the volumes of their transaction processing and scalability of their customer base.

The tiered pricing will be added in the Price Plan Sales has forwarded in the Pipefy card

Some of these rates can drop to as low as 0.90c or less per transaction for a merchant like Rain as opposed to the standard Aggregation pricing of 1.50 ZAR

If the tired pricing for Tier 1 is set for the volume of 3000 transactions at the rate of 1.50 ZAR this means that all transactions including transactions processed on Zero pay and Mastercard will be charged at that rate as an entire amount of 3000 transactions in total which qualifies.

If 3001 transactions surpassed the merchant will automatically be billed the next rate for the next Tier

eg. 3001 Transactions processed at 1.25 ZAR per transaction

Tiered pricing can be re-negotiated via Sales with the merchant at anytime during the contractual period, in this case a Pricing amendment will be made and a addendum additional to the merchants existing contract will be forwarded to the ISO merchant.

Once all the pricing is added you will conclude by saving your changes and the Console will generate a receipt upon the activation hereof so the merchant is Billed for the next Bill run.

 Selecting the checkbox will confirm the pricing has been added.