Here is more information on how Peach/ACI systems work when it comes to card processing and high volumes and how the system caters to these scenarios.

Here are some pointers below:

  • Disaster Recovery plan/approach
  • Platform Resiliency plan/approach
  • Data encryption in transit/storage

Regarding Disaster recovery - the DR site that is on hot stand-by always picks up the traffic from the active site in an event leading to an impact. This is automatically monitored and based on defined rules the platform may take the decision to switch the traffic while people on duty are monitoring.

Platform resiliency plan - the health of the system is continuously monitored by our operations team (ACI) and automated systems are put in place to watch for thresholds, alarms, internal monitoring graphs, etc. Automated disaster recovery is triggered once the health of the system is at the defined parameters. H24 (ACI support) is also very much involved from the very beginning in an event that may potentially impact the normal traffic

Data is encrypted in transit between all the applications and the databases. Sensitive data is also stored as encrypted in the database in accordance with the latest PCI DSS Level 1 requirements. 

This information can be shared with our merchants but there should be no mention of ACI.