If a Merchant contacts us to update their settlement bank details, the below steps need to be taken by the Merchant Support Team:
NB: All bank account update requests must come via a ticket, no updates to bank details can be done telephonically.
- For any changes requested to update bank account details the merchant will need to provide an official banking confirmation letter not older than 3 months from the time of the request.
- Verification Process - The Merchant Support Agent who is assigned the ticket for the request must call the Merchant and ask a secondary individual to confirm, via telephone, the last 4 digits of the new account number. Preferably a staff member within the company's Finance Department.
- The Agent will then confirm in a note on the ticket, who they spoke to at the company and that the last 4 digits were verified and confirmed.
The Agent will also need to confirm with the relevant parties if the changes are applicable for Settlement and Billing purposes.
A new debit order mandate is required for both billing and settlement updates. We would need to update console Billing information section as well as activate the toggle for Direct Debit Order
Upon receival of the new and updated business banking confirmation letter the following checks need to be done:
New banking details need to FICA verified- this means that the existing FICA will have needed to be Risk Approved during the Onboarding process.
If the merchant is requesting changes of banking information and the merchant application is yet to be Risk approved during the Onboarding phase - the request will be forwarded to the Onboarding team to factor the changes into their process in order for the new banking account information and FICA approval.
You should be able to identify which phase the merchant application is at in Pipefy and you are able to reach out to the onboarder in BizOps @obops where you may share the ticket for the request.
1. Ensure the banking confirmation letter is an official and valid dated not older than 3 months is for the current legal entity and registered company on Peach record. We cannot accept a bank letter where the date has surpassed the requirement or part is cut off.
On review of the bank letter and merchant business information i.e Legal Entity (Account Holder) and Company Registration needs to be a match (Console Data) to the business information on record to effect a straight change for the Console to be updated.
If all is a match this would be a straight change and update in the console.
Follow these steps:4.1) console settlement information update - account holder is the Legal Entity on record
4.2) Bank Account number copied from bank letter
4.3) universal branch code added for merchants issuing bank
4.4) If applicable for Billing duplicate and add updated bank account information in Billing Account Information section too
Please use this list as your guide we only require the banking branch code and not the bank name - please only enter the branch code in your input
Absa 632005African Bank 430000
Bidvest 462005
Capitec 470010
Discovery 679000
FNB 250655
Investec 580105
Mercantile 450105
Nedbank 198765
Old Mutual 462005
RMB Bank 222026
SASFIN 683000
SA Post Office 460005
Standard Bank 051001
TYME Bank 678910
Please use Google if you need to check for any universal branch code for a bank not included on this list4.5) Finance notification to Sithi n Slack Settlement Queries channel - please include the merchant ID from Console for the account you have made the changes for.
4.5) New debit order mandate for Billing to be created for official use , merchant to sign and return for our records
If the merchant is changing settlement information only - You will still need a debit order mandate to ensure we can recover refunds, over-settlements, chargebacks, and billing fees.
In the event where the details provided on the banking confirmation letter does not correspond to the current merchant account information on record - in Console e.g. A different registered company or entity is identified upon reviewal,
An Add-on needs to be processed for Risk Approval in order to support the changes
Add-ons are facilitated by Chuma/Ncumisa (Onboarding and Ops Specialist) Add-ons group in Freshdesk- Please notify Chuma/Ncumisa in the ticket and via slack that there is a possible change of legal entity and company registration.The process for Aggregation is COMPLETE
All bank account changes and changes to Legal Entity and business information for ISO merchants for Card settlement will be processed by the Acquirer - Nedbank, Absa, FNB, I & M Bank (Kenya), MCB Bank (Mauritius)
In this instance it is possible that the Acquirer might request updated FICA for the new business information or ask that we send out relevant forms provided by them to the merchant to complete the request.
You may use this solutions article as a guide to which documents are required for merchant FICA https://support.peachpayments.com/a/solutions/articles/47001250808
Bare in mind that the bank account change for settlement would pertain to card payment method only for SA accounts.
For International accounts we would also need to reach out to the Acquirer / relevant parties to facilitate the changes.
An ISO merchant is eligible to have the card payment method with the Acquiring directly and other products Aggregated eg, EFT Secure, Capitec Pay Aggregation, Payflex Aggregation.
We foresee all Payment methods apart from card being aggregated down the line
These instances or and cases you will be able to acknowledge by identifying the clearing institute in Console.
This means that all card transactions settled by Acquirer and;
All Aggregated Payment methods settled by Peach - Aggregation bank account change process will apply as per above
Bank account changes with the Acquirer (ISO/ENT) for Card Payment facility - Settlements
1. Merchant Request via Freshdesk / Pipefy email
2. MS Support verification process
i) The contact requesting the changes of banking information needs to be of authorized persons of the merchant account
ii) Attain relevant documentation - official business banking confirmation letter - not older than 3 months and supporting docs
iii) Call a second individual to verify the last 4 digits of the new bank account number ( a staff member within the company's Finance Department.)
iiii) Confirmation of call details added in ticket notes (changes applicable for settlement & billing)
If the merchant wishes to change the account for Billing we will need to create a debit Order Mandate representing the new Billing bank account details as per updated bank account letter received.
We will then be required to add the new Billing banking information in the Billing information section in Console upon receiving the signed debit order mandate agreement-
Once we have verified the banking details and obtained the valid bank confirmation letter
We will reach out to the our contact at the bank to advise the merchant has requested the change of bank account for settlement
For Nedbank
- send the request to claytonp@nedbank.co.za include the following;
i) Merchant Trading Name
ii) Merchant Legal Entity Name
iii) Nedbank Merchant ID
iiii) Supporting documents
ABSA Merchant Acquiring - Lizelle.Erasmus@absa.africa
i) Merchant Trading Name
ii) Merchant Legal Entity Name
iii) Absa Merchant ID
iiii) Supporting documents
spswitch@fnb.co.za | CC liana.zaswiegers@fnb.co.za
i) Merchant Trading Name
ii) Merchant Legal Entity Name
iii) FNB Merchant ID
iiii) Supporting documents
Once the Acquirer confirms the changes have been completed from their side we can confirm with the merchant that the request has been completed
Key takeaways:
All banking account changes constitute a new Debit Order Mandate it is imperative that this is done when the changes have been actioned in the Console (for straight changes where the information is current in Console and bank letter received)
In Add-on process a new contract is created to support the legal entity change - this includes the Debit Order Mandate which is handled by Chuma
All Aggregation merchants fees are debited by Debit Order, (Appendix A; Page 14 in Agg contract/ISO contract has more pages up to 25 its usually on the last few pages of ISO contract)
For ISO merchants (there are only a few select merchants who get to pay their fees via eft which is by the approval of Paxton only) When creating a new Debit Order Mandate we can use the existing contract to duplicate the current merchant information and change the account holder and account number fields.
** If you are uncertain or weary on how to do this please reach out in BizOps/FinOps teams so we can assist and guide you.
A template of the blank Debit Order Mandate is attached in this article - please download and save a copy to your drive for your continuous use. The merchant will need to sign and return the debit order mandate back to us for our records in the event of non-payment of fees we require the signed document on record.
We have seen special cases where the registered company has two active directors (upon investigation using Bizportal)
For Registered company's i.e Pty Ltd we prefer the bank confirmation letter to be in the name of the business, in a case where one of the directors wants funds settled to their personal account , a letter of authorization for us to settle funds to the personal bank account is crucial. - Please reach out to Onboarding/Bizops/Risk to provide the guidance and approval in a case like this.
For changes to business type eg. A sole proprietor to a Registered Company and Add-on needs to be processed and supporting documentation will need to be collected from the merchant for Risk approval - this is handled by Chuma
NB** All updated documents to be filed in drive accordingly upon receival for official use
Upon the changes please notify the #finance #settlement queries channel of your changes so they are able to amend or verify their banking verification data/information.